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Horizon™ panels are Clippable shapes used to create unique feature walls and suspended ceiling designs. They are easy to install and are well complemented when raised off the wall or suspended from different heights—creating a floating effect.
FEATURES AND BENEFITSDelivers excellent acoustic performance; Suitable for wall and ceiling applications; Can be subtle or a feature design for small or large spaces; Low VOC – beneficial for IEQ; UV stabilized and resistant to colour fade so it’ll always look as good as the day it was installed; Not made from fiberglass or mineral fibre and does not contain formaldehyde, crystalline silica or other carcinogens, common to traditional fibrous absorbers; Cleanable and easily demountable; Hides ceiling services; Includes high recycled content and is recyclable at the end of its life; Highly durable so you’re assured of long-term stability and performance.